Welcome to
Jing Jing International
Nursery. Kindergarten.
Preparation Class
12 months upwards Accompanied.
Enrolment at any time during the school year
2 Years old. Unaccompanied. Enrolment at any time during the school year
2.8 years old at the start of the school year.
Unaccompanied. Enrolment at any time during the school year
3.8 years old at the start of the school year.
Unaccompanied. Enrolment at any time during the school year
4.8 years old at the start of the school year.
Unaccompanied. Enrolment at any time during the school year

Our Approach
Jing Jing classes are rich and diverse learning environments that create opportunities for students to work with a wide-range of individuals with different strengths, life experiences and backgrounds.
We are a non-selective school that strongly believes in inclusivity. Should you believe your child has any additional needs that may impact on their learning, we urge you to tell us. We can then work together ensuring your child is able to access our curriculum and should they need support we can discuss their needs on an individual basis.
We believe that all of our children matter. We give our children every opportunity to achieve their best. We do this by taking account of our children’s range of life experiences when planning for their learning. In the Foundation Stage we set realistic yet challenging expectations that meet the needs of our children, so that each child has the opportunity to achieve the Early Learning Goals by the end of the stage.
Application Process
Submitting the form:
Applications for the current academic year are accepted throughout, however, spaces are subject to availability.
A non-refundable Registration Fee of HK$40 will be charged at the time of submitting the Application Form. This fee covers administration costs and does not guarantee a space at Jing Jing International Kindergarten.
Students applying for enrolment to Jing Jing International Kindergarten will be placed on a waiting list. Where such waiting lists occur, priority for a place will be based on the following ranked criteria; students who are:
1. Siblings of current students
2. Siblings of past students
3. Children attending Jing Jing International Nursery Preparation Classes
4. *Expatriate families
(Clarification of Expatriate families - those who have moved from abroad and are unable to speak Cantonese)
* As stipulated by EDB as part of our school registration.
5. Date of registration.
Please note: Parents are welcome to enquire into their child’s position on the waiting list.

Addtional Information
All of our initial communication will take place via email, so please ensure you write email addresses clearly on the Application Form and update us of any changes.
Jing Jing International Kindergarten communications will be in English only. To allow effective communication, it is essential that parents/carers possess an adequate level of English.
Documents detailing allergies/medical conditions/developmental needs must be attached to the Application Form for our reference.

Nursery Preparation Class
These classes provide opportunities for parents/helpers and children to enhance their relationship in a supportive environment, increase their parenting skills and confidence and develop valuable social and family support networks.
Our program has been introduced to enable the children to be functioning at a high level of independence to ensure the smooth transition to our Nursey and Kindergarten.
Supervised Child Initiated and Adult directed play: planned to challenge each area of the Foundation Stage of the British National Curriculum. This includes: building; threading; imagination play; puzzles; water; sand; role play; cutting/pasting; games; sorting; matching; sequencing; books.
Nursery - Pre-Primary
British Curriculum - Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
Children joining our school have already learnt a great deal. Through play our children explore and develop learning experiences, which help them make sense of the world.
We are fortunate to offer small class sizes with a maximum of 8 students in our Nursery-K2 classes and 10 students in our Pre-Primary classes.
They practise and build up ideas, and learn how to control themselves and understand the need for boundaries.
They have the opportunity to think creatively alongside other children as well as on their own.
They communicate with others as they investigate and solve problems.
They express their emotions and feelings in controlled and safe situations.
Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through 7 areas of learning and development.
Communication and language
Physical development
Personal, social and emotional development
Understanding the world
Expressive arts and design

We also offer weekly specialist lessons :
Mandarin is taught through a whole range of learning activities, including play, investigation, craft and topics. Children begin to learn to recognise some simple characters in our kindergarten classes Our Mandarin teacher is a fully qualified and experienced teacher, with specialist training in second language teaching. Our Mandarin Curriculum is specifically designed for teaching Mandarin to children who are non-native speakers.
Wellbeing program
Facilitated by a qualified Counsellor, Expressive/Sand Play Therapist and Kindergarten Teacher.
Our Program has a safe and engaging curriculum structure that incorporates a wide range of age-appropriate activities involving drawing, role-play, stories, discussion, playdough, music and journal writing. Each weekly session explores a concept theme such as, caring for my Feelings, helping hands, talking about feelings and making Good Choices.
Our program has flexibility to cater for participants with different learning needs or preferences. The learning processes reflect a deep respect for children’s capacity to cope, problem-solve, make good choices, set realistic goals and connect with others. Such learning develops best in supportive social contexts with peers and a caring, skilled adult. Children’s learning is documented in a personal ‘Wellbeing’ journal so that participants can re-visit their insights in the future.
Music lessons
In addition to our students experiencing music through the day in their classrooms they will also have a weekly stand-alone lesson. These lessons allow our children opportunities to investigate music, such as which resources makes each sound and how can the sound be changed. It supports language development, confidence, self-esteem and motor skills while at the same time letting children express themselves A key component of our program is to foster a love of music by encouraging our children to listen to different genres of music and to identify similarities and differences.
Cookery lessons
The favourite part of the week for many of our students! Parents are often invited in to class to share their skills and family recipes. Educating children about cooking is at the cornerstone of good health. Learning to cook nutritious snacks and meals at school contributes to the long-term wellbeing of students.
Our hands-on cooking activities help children develop confidence and skill. Following recipes encourages children to be self-directed and independent. Fine motor and eye-hand coordination skills are developed by chopping, mixing, squeezing, and spreading. Cognitive Development is enhanced by children’s thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. Cookery allows children the opportunity to use the knowledge they have and apply it by counting, measuring, following a sequence, following directions, and cause and effect linking it to all other areas, including Mathematics and Science,
And the best part is they get to take home their creations!
P.E. lessons and Yoga Lessons.
Physical education is an integral part of our curriculum. We believe Physical activity has countless health benefits for children! Not only does exercise improve a child’s overall health and fitness, but it can also help to improve their mental health and cognitive development as well. Our students have the opportunity for a weekly planned PE lesson either inside or outside our school campus. All our students also benefit from a weekly yoga session.
Nursery Preparation classes
Nursery – Pre-Primary
Monday - Friday
Morning 8.30am – 11.30am
Afternoon 12.15pm – 3.15pm
Full Day 8.30am – 3.13pm
Option of attending 2/3/4/5 full days
12.00 – 4.00pm
Option to attend Jing Jing Chinese Section Kindergarten. Transport provided
K1 - Pre-Primary
Monday - Friday
12.00 – 4.00pm
Option to attend Jing Jing Chinese Section Kindergarten. Transport provided
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At Jing Jing we love to celebrate, whether it’s a festival, a birthday, a special tradition belonging to one of our families, a group of schools or a national event as a community we will come together. We believe diversity activities teach our students to respect and celebrate the differences in all people. Learning about different cultural aspects offers new experiences for our children.
Throughout the year we host numerous events for example:
- Book week
- Family picnics
- Nativity
- Beach parties
- Easter concerts
- Graduation
- Open Days
- CNY Fayres
- Mulled wine and Mince pies morning
- Helper appreciation Days
- St Patricks Day
- Storytime with various Primary schools
We also believe it’s important to give back to our local community. We do this by filling shoe boxes for the Box of Hope program, donating food items and packing up food bags for our local Tuen Mun residents that are struggling or providing company and cheering up the Elderly in our local area by visiting and sharing our musical abilities!

Meal times are very important to us at Jing Jing. Where possible we include foods from the diet of each of the children's cultural backgrounds, providing children with familiar foods and introducing them to new ones.
We take care not to provide food containing nuts or nut products and are especially vigilant where we have a child who has a known allergy to nuts. Meal and snack times are organised so that they are social occasions in which children and staff participate.
Meal times provide a wonderful opportunity to help children to develop independence through making choices, serving food and drink and feeding themselves. In addition to fostering good table manners and lifelong healthy eating habits.
Role of Parents
Jing Jing has always prided itself on its strong communication links with parents as we feel they play a vital role in our school. We are so fortunate to have parents working in the best interest of our community.
As parents YOU are an important part of our school. Our community is diverse with traditionally a large expat community. Families coming and going through the year. It can be so challenging moving to a new country & trying to settle your child into a new environment without having any support.
Each of our year levels will have a dedicated CPR (Class Parent Representative) who will play a vital role in forging strong community links
The role of our CPRs is:
Serving a primary role in maintaining good communication between parents, while also being a valuable resource to the teacher & the class.
Facilitate the social interaction among families in the school community.
Introducing yourself to new families, organising coffee mornings and get togethers
Helping new parents navigate their way around Kindergarten
Assisting with fieldtrips and parties
Graduate destinations
Our students come from diverse backgrounds. With over 20 nationalities our students truly benefit from the many cultural experiences we provide.
With the support of their peers and teachers, the students at Jing Jing are exposed to play & learning opportunities that are aimed to support the development of a wealth of skills and knowledge in preparation for Primary School.
Over time we have built up strong connections with several schools and are able to offer our families support and guidance when selection schools. Throughout the year we host events when Primary School Principals are invited to share information on individual school expectations, as well as the admission and interview process. In addion we organise group visits to schools for both our students and parents.

School Fees
Our School Fees are reflective of our play-based approach to learning, provided within an environment where low student: teacher ratios are maintained, ensuring a high quality of care and education to each child.
School fees are paid for 10 months of the year (which excludes our academic Summer Holiday) and is inclusive of stationery, snack, lunch for full day students, and materials.
$10,126 per month
(am or pm)
$7,203 per month
HK$10,200 per month
HK$7,329 per month
Flexible hours and days available to suit family needs.
Details on request
Other Branches
Shun Lee

Shop 15A, Level 2, Commercial Premises of Shun Lee Disciplined Services Quarters, 32 Lee On Road, Kowloon
Hung Shui Kiu

G/F, Lai Hung Garden,
No.1 Tan Kwai Tsuen Road, Hung Shui Kiu, Yuen Long, N.T.